Sunday, July 22, 2007

Report 2006

Mes amis,

Just to give you an idea of what finances are like at the Bere Hospital and also send out the report for 2006 from our newly opened Chaplain's office (since June 2006).

Here goes:

Hospitalizations $3238.15
Labor & Delivery $227.00
Surgery $8670.40
Lab $6877.45
Radiologie/Ultrasound $556.00
Clinic Visits $5469.25
Pharmacy $46,617.78
Other $311.90

TOTAL $70,565.95

Cash on hand $2605.81
Patient loans $2527.66
Staff loans $1270.58

TOTAL $6404.05

Salaries $18,827.93
Social Security $1409.81
Medical expenses-Staff $1098.89
Bonuses-Staff $1633.40
Pharmacy $29,644.76
Diesel & other $25,527.47

TOTAL $78,142.26

DEFICIT $7576.31

Note: In reality, the deficit is bigger because some of the Pharmacy revenue is from the sale of medications left over from the PASS project (which finished in 2005) and from donated meds and supplies from a variety of sources. The patient loans are for when patients don't have cash on hand we take a bicycle or a push cart or a large cooking pot or something else as collateral until they can find the money by selling a sack of millet, a goat, etc. The diesel expenses are for running the generator for surgeries and for 1.5-2 hours at night. The generator consumes 5L/hour and costs $1.25-$1.50 per liter. Expenses do not include infrastructure and equipment upgrades and education and training which has been financed through Adventist Health International.

Chaplain's report June-December 2006

Special prayer with patients 441
Exorcisms 3
Spiritual healing 90
Conversion to Christianity 46
Bible studies 17
Baptisms 12
Seminars 1
Funeral services 2
Visits to local authorities 4
Baptismal candidates 9
Meaningful Muslim contacts 11
Muslims accepting Isa as savior 3
Cell groups organized 1
Churches planted 0
Contact avec AIDS patients 6

Difficulties encountered: prevelance of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, lack of time and staff for followup after patient discharge, behavior of certain staff members, lack of literature (Bibles)

Hope this gives a different perspective on the work here in Tchad at the Bere Adventist Hospital.

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